Rockwater Designs & Installations

Having worked together for 25 years, we have produced a remarkable body of masonry landscaping work. This includes functional elements such as stone steps, walkways, patios, and swimming pools. We take a naturalistic approach in our installations of waterfalls, ponds, streams and Japanese style gardens.

We have been featured in several books and numerous publications, including Garden Design Magazine, House and Garden, The New York Times and Architectural Digest. Check out our Press.

The characteristics and requirements of a site must be reconciled with the goals and aspirations of the designers and the client into a single expressive statement. Through the years we’ve developed a keen sense of which materials will produce the desired results in our masonry landscaping.

In addition, a passion for woodworking has lead Jim to making a series of Mahogany jewelry boxes designed for the 2010 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show as well as many pieces of custom furniture.

Richard Cohen & Jim Kutz

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